Ghost Stories Project

Is death the end of consciousness or is there something that comes next? Is the cycle of decay and regeneration an essential part of life on Earth? Do we simply descend into darkness only to be awakened as a plant, an insect, a bird, or do we continue to wander among the living as something called a ghost?

These age old questions are explored in the Ghost Stories Project, a multi platform, sometimes surreal, sometimes creepy collection of stories about personal sightings, haunted houses and spirit release rituals told through short interview films, real and imagined stories, still and moving images by award winning filmmakers Leslie Streit and Robin McCain.


Our “eyewitness video” contributors include a parapsychologist, two hypnotherapists, a shaman, and several everyday people who have come across ghosts in their waking lives.

On Location  - San Jose 2015

On Location  - Coastal Cemetery 2023

A different kind of ghost story called “When I Become A Ghost” gives its audience an immersive dreamlike experience into what might happen as one woman  journeys into her afterlife. Designed as video projections for art gallery spaces  (beginning in 2024) it will both fascinate and send shivers down your spine.

Who doesn’t love a good ghost story?

On Location  - Santa Cruz Mountains 2018

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